Memory in the pocket

This experimentation combines literature, participatory, leisure, tourism, digital and social ties, among other assessment criteria. Made in Savins, small rural village of Ile de France, it is the first national attempt to promote local history with and for its inhabitants.
Brie’Nov which was associated, led the project through the mayor of the village, being also a founding member of the living lab.

To give access to the collective memory, to make it accessible to residents and anyone interested in learning about the village through a collaborative project and digital uses which were key issues. It was important and innovative enough to engage partners such as Orange and the Ile de France County.

The « Memory in the pocket » is a book which is accessible on your smartphone meanwhile you visit the village. It brings the access to the local memory, collectively shared, provokes beautiful encounters that have put together the new and old inhabitants and the village children involved in a very interesting exercise.

La mémoire dans la poche

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