English from birth but currently living in the Vercors, Clive is the Initiator / facilitator of partnerships between authorities and associative and private actors at the international level & regional.
Responsible for European projects and experienced trainer, communities and associations; 20 years of experience in assembling and managing local projects and international sustainable development; support to mount collective projects of general interest, innovative, and supportive citizens
In a few words :
2012 – 2015 Head of European projects for the Syndicat Mixte Open Digital Nièvre
Management of three international cooperation projects funded by the Interreg IVC program.
ENGAGE: Ultra Broadband for Rural Europe
Micropol -: Intelligent Job Centres in Rural Europe
e-Create: Cultural Paths and e-tourism (financial management)
2000: Member of the Faculty of ‘Salzburg Global Seminar’
2002: Member of the International Jury for the award of Slow Food Prize for Biodiversity.
2005-2009: Member of the Sustainable Food Laboratory (Global)
2007-2008: Member of the Expert Committee of the European Commission for the program in favor of fruit consumption in schools (sustainable logistics)
Clive strengthens Brie’Nov skills, especially on the European level, and helps us to reflect on the Europeanisation of our experimentation « Relais des Possibles ».